StraighterLine Welcomes Dara Conroy as Chief Human Resources Officer

StraighterLine Welcomes Dara Conroy as Chief Human Resources Officer

WASHINGTON-BALTIMORE (January 19, 2023) — StraighterLine, creator of affordable, flexible and career-aligned postsecondary courses, today announced the addition of Dara Conroy as chief human resources officer (CHRO). In this new role, Conroy will be responsible for developing and executing the company’s human capital strategy while fostering a culture of inclusion and collaboration that inspires and empowers employees for success.

“We are thrilled to welcome Dara Conroy as our new chief human resources officer. She has an energy and passion for helping people succeed, and that is the very heart of what we do at StraighterLine,” said Heather Combs, StraighterLine CEO. “As we continue to expand our mission to empower learners to reach their college and career goals, we are confident that Dara is the right one to lead us in attracting and retaining the best talent in the industry.”

Conroy brings more than two-decades of experience in human resources management, most recently leading Capital HR Advisors, a privately held HR consulting firm she founded in 2012. She has advised companies ranging from billion dollar startups to boutique firms in industries including finance, government, security, consumer products and technology. In 2022, she began working with StraighterLine as a consultant.

“For me, it’s always about the people, and that is what drew me to StraighterLine. I work with thousands of people a year as a consultant, and in my short time at StraighterLine I have seen so much talent, diversity of thought and dedication for helping students succeed,” said Conroy.

Conroy joins the StraighterLine team at an exciting time of expansion and growth. StraighterLine recently announced the acquisition of the Childcare Education Institute (CCEI), one of the largest online training providers for early childhood education professionals. She will be instrumental in leading people integration efforts as StraighterLine pursues additional acquisitions to expand course and credential offerings aligned with in-demand industries.

"I am excited to be a part of this unique time of growth for the company. This is about bringing people together, and what an incredible opportunity it is to welcome CCEI and future companies to the StraighterLine team,” said Conroy.

As a CHRO she knows firsthand that no two people learn the same way or work the same way. Like many during the pandemic, Conroy took the opportunity to return to school and attended Georgetown University’s Executive Nonprofit program online.

“Returning to school online was one of the best investments I made in myself. I was able to meet my personal goals all while balancing being a single mom to two daughters,” said Conroy. “What I love about StraighterLine is that it meets people where they are in life and gives them the flexibility to learn when it works for them."

Conroy holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Merrimack College. She holds multiple certifications including an Executive Certificate in Nonprofit Management from Georgetown University and a Certificate in Human Resource Management from the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM). She is an active member of Chief, a network to connect and support women executive leaders, and spends time volunteering with Crisislink and the Be The Good Project.

About StraighterLine

StraighterLine is the leading provider of high-quality, affordable, online courses that help learners earn college credit and meet their professional goals. Each year, 150,000 learners take one of StraighterLine’s 215 courses to upskill into new careers or earn credit from over 2,000 colleges and universities worldwide. StraighterLine works with institutions and corporate partners to provide their students and employees with flexible education options that allow them to work and learn at their own pace.

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