The StraighterLine Guide: How to Cut the Cost of College

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What's inside can save you thousands of dollars and reduce your student debt!
College costs have risen 1000% in the last three decades. The average student graduates with over $25,000 in loan debt. For many of us, if we can’t find a way to cut the cost of college, we may not be able to go to college at all. The good news is that you are not helpless: there are many ways to lower the cost of your degree.

In this free guide, you’ll find out:

  • Why college is so expensive
  • What you can do to cut the cost of college
  • Why where you live may determine what you pay
  • 10 out of the box tips to save money on college
  • How to lower the cost of college by 90%
  • And much, much more!
Brought to you by StraighterLine, a leader in providing affordable, flexible, self-paced online college courses for transfer students and adult learners.

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