Union Institute & University

Course Equivalency Guide

for Union Institute & University

UP TO 60 Courses available to choose from. Find the general education credits that will transfer into your degree program.

StraighterLine combines a $99/month membership with a guaranteed credit pathway to Union Institute & University. Courses start at $59 and include the eTextbook at no additional cost.


Union Institute & University

Union Institute & University is a non-profit, accredited, private university specializing in adult and distance education since 1964. Union strives to engage, enlighten, and empower students in a lifetime of learning and service. The university's transformational and socially relevant programs promote creative and critical thinking, and connect scholarship with real-world practice. Flexible online classes, brief residencies, classroom experiences, and hybrid models of instruction lead to undergraduate, masters, and doctoral degrees. Union graduates, including 26 college presidents, leaders in the public, private, and non-profit sectors, members of the United States Congress, and the first female prime minister of Jamaica, promote Union's legacy of utilizing education to transform lives and communities.

Over 15,500 alumni have completed their degrees at Union while juggling multiple commitments, including the balancing act of family and career.

Union is a national university with five academic centers located in: Ohio, Florida, California, and Vermont.

5 reasons to take Straighterline courses

and how it works with Union Institute & University
Save Thousands of Dollars

on your degree with affordable college-level classes like Developmental Writing, College Algebra, American Government, and Introduction to Biology. Over 60 general education courses available starting at only $59. StraighterLine saves you thousands compared to the average $2,500 college course.

Transfer Your Credits

to one of 150+ accredited partner colleges or the over 2,000 schools that accept StraighterLine courses for credit. All StraighterLine courses are evaluated and recommended for credit by the American Council of Education (ACE).

Go At Your Own Pace

You have the control to complete courses on your schedule. You can progress as quickly or as slowly as you need.

Get the Support You Need

to succeed. Your membership includes eTextbooks, 24/7 on demand tutoring, live student support 7 days a week, and final exam proctoring.

Complete Your Degree

and perform better. StraighterLine students graduate one full term faster, completing 28% more credits per term than non-StraighterLine students

Get Started With StraighterLine

Select your course and get started today.

Get Started With StraighterLine
