Earn College Credit

Are you on a 1-2 month timeline and want to finish your courses over the summer? We’re sharing five quick tips to help you reach your goals on schedule and with a transcript in h ...

One of the most common concerns adult learners have about going back to college is completing their required college math classes. Fortunately, we have some help for you so you can ...

Imagine finding out you’re required to take remedial English or mathematics for no credit but at full tuition cost. The gap between eligibility and readiness can be a real setbac ...

Knowing that you’ve failed--or are going to fail--a college class can be incredibly stressful. And while failing a class can have significant consequences, we've got tips that ca ...

Do college credits expire? Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer, because there are a lot of factors at play in credit transfer. In this article, we’ll walk you through the bas ...

Curious about earning credit with StraighterLine? You are in the right place. This webinar provides a look at how credit transfer with StraighterLine works as we guide you through ...

There’s no bad time to go back to (or even start!) school. However, there are slightly different approaches and details you may want to keep in mind based on your age range. In t ...

If you have taken courses at StraighterLine and want to transfer the credits you earned to a college or university, learn how does that process works. ...

The move to online learning has been dramatic for college students during the pandemic. Fortunately, the benefits of online learning can't be beat when it comes to earning your col ...

How can students gain experience and skills from lab assignments when taking science lab courses online? ...

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