Competency Based Education

Johnnie Galbo’s career goal is to become a biology teacher. It’s been years since she earned her associate degree – but after taking a job as a paraprofessional in a high sch ...

With the large price tag that often comes with higher education, you want to make the most of your time and money by taking advantage of options that can lower the cost of your bus ...

Today’s post is the ninth in a series of practical tips on how to save money on college. Today’s saving money on college tip is: Graduate on time. According to a recent rep ...

[Updated October 2015} Considering earning a competency-based degree? Smart move. In a competency-based degree (CBE) program, student success is measured by learning, not s ...

Want to learn how to reduce the cost of your college degree? This infographic provides a visual guide to everything you need to know about competency based education (CBE). It s ...

Why does this StraighterLine student look so triumphant? Well, this is Marsha Santos, moments after completing the 5K race requirement for our Personal Fitness (PE101) course ...

The new new thing in higher education is Competency Based Education (CBE for short, and has also been referred to as “personalized learning”). It is an educational approach ...

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