4 Best Career Aptitude Tests To Take Online

4 Best Career Aptitude Tests To Take Online

What’s the best career for you? If that question is on your mind, we found some online tests that can help you decide. Most of them are free, and they can help you discover the career that suits you best. Some of the most popular tests you can take are:

  1. The Princeton Review Career Quiz
  2. My Next Move, sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of Labor
  3. Truity’s Career Personality Profiler
  4. 123 Test’s Career Aptitude Test

Remember, tests like these only offer suggestions--just because you’re not matched with a particular career path doesn’t mean it isn’t right for you! Additional free career tests you can take include:

GoodTherapy.org Career Personality & Aptitude Test.This free test has 240 questions, takes about an hour to complete, and offers insights into the kind of career that would be best for you.

Similar Minds Career Test. This free quiz uses only 30 questions to help you evaluate the kind of careers that suit your personality best.

And the one that started it all:

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® instrument. This is the granddaddy of all interactive personality tests -- and it is not free. You have a couple of options when it comes to taking this test. You can visit the official Myers & Briggs Foundation website and find a trained professional to administer and analyze the test results or sign up and take it online.

Further Career Explorations

If you are interested in going deeper into subject areas, such as nursing or programming, consider taking an an online class.  StraighterLine offers a variety of classes that can help to determine whether you are suited to a career in science, business, or other fields. Plus, you can earn credit towards a degree while exploring new career options.

Enroll in a StraighterLine Class

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