Learn to Speak Spanish at StraighterLine

Many people learn a foreign language so they can carry on conversations when they are traveling abroad, speak with new relatives and friends, or simply learn more about a foreign country or culture.

You can enjoy all those benefits from learning to speak Spanish at StraighterLIne, but there are many other reasons to learn Spanish too . . .

Career opportunities – The demand is increasing for people who are bilingual in Spanish and English. Some are teachers. Others hold “front-line” jobs where it is important to converse with Spanish-speaking clients and customers. But front-line jobs are not the whole story, because more American companies are doing business with countries in Latin America and with Spain. Being bilingual can help quality you for jobs with excellent potential for growth and advancement.

Good citizenship – If you live in a community with a large Hispanic population, being able to speak and understand Spanish can make you a better and more involved neighbor and citizen.

Two Online Spanish Courses to Choose From

If you’ve been meaning to learn Spanish, two courses from StraighterLine can help you start today. Each of these courses lets you earn three college credits. That can help you fulfill a college language requirement quickly and earn the credits you need to graduate too.

StraighterLine Spanish courses are . . . Spanish I and Spanish II 

In both courses, grammar and vocabulary are taught through dynamic immersion and textbook reading and assignments. The focus is on using Spanish as a means of communication. Auditory comprehension, basic speech production, reading comprehension and composition are also stressed.

In both courses, Rosetta Stone software is used to enhance your oral and written mastery of the language.

Enroll in a StraighterLine Class, Get Started Immediatley

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