How to Prepare for a Career in Business

If you’ve been looking for your first job in business, you’ve already heard tough questions like these in job interviews . . .

  • “You’re visiting one of our vendors in another city who offers you two expensive tickets to a hockey game. Is it proper for you to take them?”
  • “We’re thinking of launching a new product on our website. How should we research the products that are already on the market and make sure that ours has a competitive advantage?”
  •  “We would like to sell more of our products in China. What factors should we consider to make sure that our efforts will make money?”
  • “We’re considering you for a position in our marketing department. Can you explain what you would include in a press release that announces a new product?”

Your ability to answer questions like those can make all the difference in whether you get hired. You can find the answers to those four questions by taking college courses in business ethics, introduction to business, macroeconomics, and business communications, respectively.

One Way to Learn the Skills that Get You Hired

If you're interviewing now chances are that you want to learn more about business today instead of waiting to take business courses next year. One way to get started is to sign up for a business course at StraighterLine. Courses start at $79 and you can get started immediately.

Enroll in an online business course

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